Ministry Values

Christ-Centered & Biblically-Grounded
Christ-centered. Our relationship with God in Christ is our highest priority in counseling and in any heart change ministry.
Biblical-grounded. God’s revelation through Scripture is the authority and foundation of our counseling, and a wise theological understanding of redemption, divine comfort and heart change is critical.

Church-Based & Depth-Focused
Church-based. Healthy church community is the essential context for change. Transformation is the ministry of the whole church.
Depth-focused. Scripture reveals depravity and suffering in a fallen world as the two primary causes of human problems and both must be addressed deeply, through God’s grace in Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Clinically-informed. Because of God's common grace, modern medicine, psychiatry and psychology are helpful sources of wisdom and support. We seek to be clinically informed to provide the best care possible.
For a more detailed statement of beliefs, please see the Biblical Counseling Coalition’s Confessional Statement.