Partnering with churches for gospel-rooted heart change.
What We Do
Provide heart-change focused classes for the whole church.
Develop lay counseling & mentoring ministries.
Offer counseling services and consulting.

What God is Doing
Helping 23 churches and ministries (and counting) in Eastern and Central Wisconsin in counseling and heart change discipleship ministry.
Since 2020, over 300 people have attended RCM led 8-11 week classes and support groups.
We have helped four churches found and oversee mentoring and lay counseling ministries, with a total of 20 people now ministering.
Since 2019 RCM has provided over 1500 hours of individual and couples counseling for partner churches.
David Robbins, Pastor
“In a very painful season I needed to examine my desires and responses, lay hold of Christ, but, first, I needed to sense God’s presence and comfort in the heartache. God used this ministry to make me glad in the nearness of Jesus.”
Chuck Walton, Pastor
“I’m confident that God will use RCM to bring light and healing to hundreds of people in the years to come. This is only the beginning.”
More Experiences
"I'm learning that when I feel the heat, God is always at work." -Kelvin
"How People Change and Engaging Anxiety helped me deal with issues I never really knew were there and equipped me in many ways to help others. This is a true blessing to the Church." -Jason Steger, Pastor
“How People Change has shed light on the fact that God still loves me no matter what. I can bear good fruit in tough times.” Corey
"I discovered how my actions come from my heart and how much I need Christ and my church community." -Paul
"I'm learning that when I feel the heat, God is always at work." -Kelvin • "How People Change and Engaging Anxiety helped me deal with issues I never really knew were there and equipped me in many ways to help others. This is a true blessing to the Church." -Jason Steger, Pastor • “How People Change has shed light on the fact that God still loves me no matter what. I can bear good fruit in tough times.” Corey • "I discovered how my actions come from my heart and how much I need Christ and my church community." -Paul •
Our Mission
There is a tremendous need all around us and in our churches for help to face the epidemic levels of psychological problems, broken relationships, substance abuse, division and loneliness inside and outside of the church today. By sharing RCM staff among churches and partnering together to handle the hardest issues in ways only Christ can, gospel-centered churches can minister much needed grace and truth in the church and to a world in need.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9:36